Home Forums MHP Network Forum Buying your park? Is it really possible for residents to buy their park?

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  • Lindie Hunt
    Post count: 5

    The short answer is maybe. But with hard work it is possible. And believe me, it is worth the hard work.

    There are lots of people and organizations to help you along the purchase path: Thistle ROC, this website, MHPOP, and other resident owned or community owned parks as well as others.

    There will be a number of important decisions to make: This list is not all inclusive:

    • What will your structure be? Resident owned, housing authority owned, city/county owned, something different?
    • How will you fund your purchase? Commercial loan, Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), seller finance, something different?
    • Who will be on your Board? You need strong committed leaders, willing to put in the time to get things organized and later to keep things running smoothly
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