Survey Summary and Analysis

Housing Resources of Western Colorado sent a survey to potential participants in of the April 2024 convening. Our thanks to all who took time to answer that survey. A majority of the 39 respondents (69%) to the survey were representatives of nonprofit organizations, local jurisdictions, and state agencies. Some 41% of respondents have been directly involved in MHP preservation. About 31% are currently involved in a preservation project. Overall, the variety of respondents reflects the broad scope of mobile home preservation efforts in our state.

Respondents are involved in almost every aspect of MHP preservation. Their most common roles are in Resident Education/Outreach, Advocacy, Resident Organizing, and Buying/Selling of MHPs.

Respondents reported the most significant challenges to successful MHP preservation were financial (obtaining loans and grants, competing with for-profit buyers); outdated, damaged, and inoperable infrastructure (including deferred maintenance and code violations); and residents’ lack of understanding of their rights/responsibilities and lack of capacity to organize.

Survey Data

Survey respondents included 39 people from various backgrounds involved in mobile home park (MHP) preservation. The group included:

17 Nonprofit Organizations 6 Representatives of Local Jurisdictions
4 State Agency Officials 4 Park Owners
3 Funders/Financial Institutions 1 State Legislator
1 Park Board Manager 1 Park Board Member
1 University Official 1 Consultant

Roles of Survey Respondents Related to Mobile Home Parks

Survey respondents reported they and their organizations play the following roles in mobile home parks (the numbers reflect the number of respondents claiming each particular role, with some playing multiple roles):

23 Resident Education/Outreach 5 Loans for Preservation
14 Advocacy 5 Grants for Preservation
11 Resident Organizing 5 Code Compliance/Oversight
10 Buying/Selling Mobile Home Parks 1 Redevelopment
9 Technical Assistance 1 Community-Directed Research
9 Policy-making 1 Knowledge of upcoming Affordable Housing bills
7 Property Management